目前分類:Monica & William (6)

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We went for monica's wedding rehearsal....they pay so much attention to details.....amazingly organised.

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susiew 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Monica got her good dental friends and uni friends together for hens night. This was quite a conservative one.....nothing like the typical stripper gathering hens night. I did asked her if she wants a stripper. In fact I really wouldn't mind if there is a police costume stripper coming in and give us a show. That would be awesome. Anyway, we end up dress like this and take photos like the good girls do. Very Monica indeed. God bless.


susiew 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

lucky me. Always just tag along and taste goodies.

There you go. We finished the first Wang family wedding. Straightaway there comes the second one. Busy indeed.

june 162.jpg

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Surprisingly this chinese restaurant at old fashion north league clue was in such good value. Cheap too considering we were having beking duck ( we paid around 22 dollars each person). Our usual family dinner on sunday night when Yi ching and Andy were not working. Good dinner. We like it.

May 2009 030.jpg

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February 2009 095.jpg February 2009 094.jpg February 2009 091.jpg February 2009 086.jpg February 2009 084.jpg February 2009 082.jpg February 2009 081.jpg February 2009 080.jpg Look Monica did the hair herself and that dress was bought in USA years before (not intend for wedding or anything...but happened to be the right one for it!!)

February 2009 078.jpg 

susiew 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

Monica and William looked so totally exhausted in Taiwan. They did all the things that needed to be done for weddings in September and Dec. Look at them.....DSC08792.JPG

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