目前分類:Andy & Yi-Cheng (9)

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We had pizza at Andy and Yichings place tonight for Pizza. Yiching made almond tofu dessert too. Check out our lazy thursday night dinner.....


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I can't believe i suddenly figure out how to use mackbook photos. Actually it's soooo easy to do!! Richard was right!!Check this out...... IMG_3352.jpg

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susiew 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Look!! I learned how to upload photos from my new macbook!!! HOORAAAAAY......ME SO SMART LAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH please clap. PAPAPAPA


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I have been cancelling all students and in bed for three days. Thank God it's getting much better and I can start teaching tomorrow afternoon! Andy's wedding is this Saturday so everyone is anticipating it now and guests are arriving too. Andy and Yiching have been delivering lunch dinner and medicine for me nearly everyday. It's really nice of them especially their wedding is in a few days. I really appreciated it thank you mua!!!

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What an awesome job. We went yesterday to test out the banquet menu that Yi ching and Andy are going to have for their wedding in a few weeks. I circled four choices for each entre, main course and desserts. Also the wine. Then out of those we will be picking two. So the guests will have alternate choices. Orso restaurant looks beautiful on a wednesday night. We were sooo full yesterday.

May 2009 002.jpg

  May 2009 009.jpg

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This new one is trying to imitate Ding Tai fong. They are a lot cheaper and because it's in Chatswood which has huge asian population. Their business is amazingly good. Cheap too. Worth going.In case you forgot about my family sticky love bird, I will pose their photos here again. They never eat by themselves with their own hands. Even after nearly 2 years living together they continue to feed each other when eating. Now that's amazing. yes everyone....hold your vomit please....hahahahaha



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Mum and dad came to Sydney. So we got invited to Yi ching and Andy for dinner. Their lovely apartment is finally done. Nice food, wine, city and family! Yum!

Feb 2009 004.jpg 

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