目前分類:Wang family (4)

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I am closing this blog permantly now. From now on the blog will go back to


I put lots of monica and williams photos there!! please come and visit us!!

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It's father's day here today. Dad and Mum arrived Sydney too. After teaching in the morning i went to monica and william's church to rehearse my singing with the pianist. I am going to sing Panis Angelicus and The prayer. The acounstic was very nice in that church. Anyway, why do I always feel that i got lots of things to do? I was still looking for dress to buy for monica's wedding. ON top of that i need to buy a car too. Today after yumcha we went to Mazda to check out MAzda 3 sp25. Then Volkswagan Jetta and Eros. Gosh I like the convertable....but not very practical isnt it. tomorrow might go to BMW and Benz. Just to see the difference. Don't like buying cars. Not a single clue what to ask and what to choose. I found it very stressful. Especially i need tp get one urgently. Dinner we went to the OZ BBQ at the rocks. You bought a raw steak and then BBQ it yourself. That raw steak was 30 dollars. If you Grilled it badly then you got to eat it badly. Quite a lot of tourists there. Bit cold this evening.....we just drove home straightaway. Happy father's day!

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I went ice skating after teaching in the morning. On the way back on busy wet military road my car totally lost control and spin. To the left first and suddently to the right and did a huge turn. That really scared the hell out of me. You sat in the car but you had to control over. Luckily and very luckily there were no cars beside me....lots of cars before and after me but happened to have no cars on either side of me. I feel incredibly grateful. My 14 year old Benz got to go. 14 years is long enough. I have to let him go. God is telling me that. The NRMA membership actually due to renew in 2 days and my parents are coming in 2 days. All this syncronise the incident. Yes even though I hate to let him go, I have to let go. Time to get a new car finally.

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We try to get together when we can at least once or twice a week. Tonight we all got together in Chinatown. My friend Lilian and Mara wants to join our family dinner too. They said my family was great fun!


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