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Myc omputer is sooo slow. This time when I go back in July I will buy a new apple laptop. The one I have now took me at least 30 mins just to turn it on.....so lots of times I just couldn't be bother to turn it on anymore....I can do anything from i phone straightaway (except writing blogs though....) Thats why long time no see la. I bumped into Anita yesterday and she asked me why didn't i write anymore. I didn't even know she was reading it. I thought this blog probably just my family, vicki, my god brother Richard, bestfriend Selina and best cousin Amy read them. Now at least there are more people than i think....so here I am back again.

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I am a huge fan of Medina apartments. Its always new and resonable for prices.

This is our one bed room apartment while in Melbounre

April 2009 077.jpg

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  • Mar 24 Tue 2009 17:30
  • shoes

I thought I have lots of shoes. I always thought I must have more than 50 pairs. But I bought the new shoes rack and put all of my funcitonal shoes there. Less than 30 pairs. Not bad ma.....only 30. How come this rack looks like it's gonna collapse any minute.....maybe i am not very good at ensemble them together...

March 2009 039.jpg

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Andy's wedding is going to be the last week of july in Taiwan. Just happened to be the first week of school term 3. Since the school holidays is not far from it I think I will just take the whole 6 weeks off this time. That's one good thing about being your own boss. All I need to do is to tell everyone that I am off to Europe for  6 weeks. TA-DA-SAYONARA. Then off I go. 

I want to go to Barcelona.....heard its so beautiful there. Maybe back to do some spanish classes again and learn flamenco too. Maybe off to New york to see Ivy and grab her to Spain with me? Or Greece is a good option too. Rosemary said Greek Island and Sussana said how about Hungary? Wherever. I will go wherever. Lets pack up the bags and go! Come with me!

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My parents always wonder what I have been up to when they talked to me on the phone. I can never think of it when they asked.  So i decide to type it out for my week of 2/3-8/3....

Monday: teach from early morning again. by 9:30 to the health club. Had small group session called Power plate for beginner and power plate for strength. This machine just shook like crazy when standing on it. The instructor Matt was cute. I got on it for one hour and can no longer thinking straight. Drove straight to see my own piano teacher Briedie in Glebe to learn something new to teach. Had lunch, back for a nap. Start teaching again. by 9 pm at Ice skating rink joining the first class of the term. met a few new classmates plus gliding with my old skating mates. skate till 10 pm. I love it. in bed at 11 pm.

Tuesday: teach from 7am. the earliest of the week. Then I took the girls to school as well before coming back to teach more. this week I tried the new V core class at health club at 10 am. hopefully my ab can look really sexy soon. then join the aqua class before going to spa. Back home for lunch and 20 mins nap. Start teaching again till late. Quiet tuesday night to read a book and get on with some teaching work. in bed at 10:00 pm

Wednesday: teach from 7:30 again. I got quite a few adults today too so didn't go to the health club till noon, just in time for belly dancing class. The teacher is quite big but she is sensational. No time for spa today. Back to work. moved the students for tonight because we were off to see the musical Guys and Dolls for evening show with a friend. Had dinner in city. (normally i have flamenco class but missed it this week-will arrange private lesson with the teacher next Thursday) in bed at 12 am.

Thursday: morning still teach from 7 am. to health club for today's Hatha yoga class before Spa with my gym buddie. To chatswood today to enjoy the Taiwanese lunch box that only comes on thursday. Do some banking and my back was really sore. So I got a massage this week from my wonderful massage therapist Eri. Back to teach. Met up with another friend for late 9:15 pm movie "He is not that into you". Have you seen it? Such an awesome realistic movie. Very inspiring indeed!!! in bed at 1 am.

Friday: morning I teach from 7:30 am. After that I went and had lunch with a friend. bought some grocery. Afternoon I came back to teach more. Then evening two friends and I went to another pianist friend's music for meditation recital. That was great. we all went flat on the floor listening to the whole concert. At 10 pm three of us off to have Japanese noodles. to bed at 12:30 am.

Saturday: I teach the classes from 8 am and interview another new kid who wants to join the dance class. Lunch I went and met up with friends from Taiwanese church and had Taiwanese food in Artarmon. The new one there wasn't really good....not very Taiwanese at all....We went to Harbour bridge walk from North sydney to The rocks in the afternoon. It must be a one hour walk but such a sunny bright day for nice walk. We stopped over for coffee and dessert at the Rocks. Walked back and went to a friend's place. I took a shower and got all dress up at her place off we went to a birthday party in Bondi. We had famous pizza and gelato in Pompei that at 10:30 pm we still meed to wait! in bed at 1 am.

Sunday: I teach from 8 am again. Lunch ate at home. I visited my beautician once a month for facial. So I saw her this week for 1.5 hour session. Then to library return books. Met up another friend and we went grocery shopping. Off to see the movie "Slumdog millionare" then we had dinner at her place and enjoyed the chat and drink. bed by 12 am.



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I am very determined to lose 5 kilos I gained in Taiwan. Firstly I sent the email to all students to tell them that make sure when they see me, they will go "Susie, you still look skinny..." That's first step of confidence building. Then everyday I will wake up at 6 am for 30 mins exercise. So far so good. I do that everyday. So far la. Then I will cut down all sugar and dessert. So far so good la. OH. only yesterday I went to Italian town and the handsome young waiter told me the muffin is fat free. So I ordered it. Fat free la. Then the spanish nurse at Monica's surgery told me, "susie, Italian don't do fat free muffin ok". That's encouraging. I am very determined to lose 5 kilos. I am enjoying the state of hunger so far.Damn.

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I spent some time updating the business site. Ahhhh time to get back to reality soon next week. Time to see those happy faces again!!


 Welcome to check it out la!!IMG_1474(2).JPG

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