目前分類:Interesting Things (23)

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Today my two morning boys were on father's day breakfast in school so i had their little 4 year old sister coming for 1 hour lesson from 7:30-8:30 am. So early in the morning....We started with Miley cyrus song and dance. Then melody bells. Singing songs with sigh language. Playing hot cross bun on piano. Before I ran out of idea we just review everything. Then do some sort of random pop dance again. I really think that if I can;t dance then my life will be so much tougher. Every kid loves dancing. I had adult student till 10 am. Then I drove to Manly beach straight away to see the Star of the sea theater. My God. The theater was spectacular. I couldn't believe how suitable that will be for my kids. The backstage was massive with two dressing rooms, big full size dance studio and prop room.....it was so exciting. I booked it. We are in for the show!! Then off to Warringah mall to shop. I bought Monica a dress. A nail voucher. Then off to do my big grocery shopping at Aldi. Can't believe i can easily bought 120 OZ dollars of food. How can one person eat that much? After teaching I went to do Mega dance class. I love sexy dance. Especially now I can do body roll and spilt well the whole routine looks so much better. Bummer no one ever sees me doing exotic dance. That's the only time I really though, Susie, you really look like a professional stripper. HAHA

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I supposed to have a very exciting thursday plan. But this morning at 6 am i heard this GUUU-GUUU-GUUUUU sound from a rooster. ROOSTER? gees. we are not living in the country where did it come from? Shit. My neighbor. Don't tell me after having four baby girls now they want a rooster? Damn damn damn. What have I done to deserve this.

Kids came from 7:30 am for lessons. by 8:30 am one of the mum came up and said "susie, you got a rooster at your front door!!" "REALLY? OH NO!!!" yes. that rooster is not from the neighbor. this GUGUGU is from here. AHHH how embarassing. The whole street must be thinking that this asian family is breeding rooster for meals. Till 10 am I am still teaching. James, the 24 year old student came in. First thing he said was " COOL!!!" then he held his mobile and took photos. Gees. These days the white man never seems to be useful.

So my neighbor actually called the council. WE were laughing so hard about it. She thinks I am mental and I think she is psycho to have rooster. So this rooster comes from nowhere. Another neighbor said he was walking on the street yesterday (ROOSTER MAN WHERE ARE YA GOING MATE? )  The council sent two rangers who were girls (great). They had no clue how to catch it. they were sitting on the stairs calling RSPCA. The ZOO....but no organisation came to help. It's council's job. At the end they sent a big guy to come. All he did was lift the rooster up and put him in the cage. All done. I hope the rooster can live a little longer....lets not see him too fast at Kenturkeys. I probably won't eat chicken for a little while. All my yoga, massage plan were all gone. Thanks to the ROOSTER that comes from nowhere.





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People who read my blog must be thinking that I am an unemployed person. How come I am always here and there during weekdays. No la. I do have a job la....this is my business http://www.mosman.privatemusiclessons.net

But our time is flexible even though it's 7 days a week. We can always find time to have fun within the day. At least I try to do that and live a life that's worth living for.

Joy texted me yesterday and asked if I want to go to Balmoral beach to have a picnic. I haven't seen her daughter mimi for a long time. So today after teaching in the morning I just skipped my belly dance class and stayed to make some pizza for picnic. Putting the pizza in the basket, made some fresh corns with butter and pepper. Off to Balmoral beach with Joy and mimi!! The wind was still cold as we practically were still in winter. But the sun was glorious. We had so much fun on the sand with the food, sun and beach!!


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We decided to go to DFO today! It was quite a journey to go there so we had good quality coffee prepared on the way. Today was quite a lucky day for us cause no matter how crowded the place was, as soon as I called out my parking angel there would be a parking spot right in front. We also drove to the Rhodes and then Flamington for vietnamese food. It's indeed getting warmer here. Love the sun. love the sunday afternoon.

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Mara is a very good friend of mine. She is an Italian lady in her 50s but if you look at her you will never guess. She looks totally sexy and cool. Anyway she always calls me and tells me whatever shit happens in her life. Good shit as well as bad shit. Today I finally got to see her and we just couldn't stop talking. She was telling  me about her son in law that's gone weird. Nick (the son in law...extremely spunk hunk gorgeous looking jewish) and Michelle (Mara's beautiful blond daughter) are apparently very into this new age way of living. I knew Nick and Michelle very well too but i didn't know they are so extreme these days. They had home birth for the kid. Everyone has to talk to the baby like an adult (no baby language). All clothes, nappies and everything they have had to be organic. No detergent at all. Nothing artificial in the house. The baby has a very weird name too. Anyway.....we were laughing hysterically. New age. things for weirdos.

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Was just texting Andy to say how funny this is. I went to get my blood test result. Thought that i never did a blood test maybe it's time to check it out and see if there is anything wrong.

The doctor called me in and said to me seriously. Susie please don't come and do blood test ever. You are so healthy...way too healthy. Please don't come and waste government's money. they don't want budget waste on you. I said...i can pay. i don't need to do it for free. Can I do it once a year. then the doctor said. no, no need. You will never need to test for hep A and B in your life time. Your immunity is so strong that if there is nothing dramatically wrong please don't come and waste money and time. ok then. Good news. So now i am wasting tax payer's money. I am so sorry. So I went and had a massive breakfast and french toast with Ivy. Doctor said I could eat whatever. Then we walked around all shops to check out the dresses for monica's wedding before going back for the kids to come. What a brilliant friday.

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Amy, this is my dress for Andy's wedding in Tainan. I bought it in Taipei for about $3870 or $3780. It's a shop full of Taiwanese designer but very pretty. Yiching's sister got dress from the same shop too. But guess what? today I went breakfast with Ivy and walked past this $20 dress shop!! Shit. I saw this dress there for $40 only!!! The material here is bad but the design is exactly the same. Gee those made in china cheap dress import is so fast in making copies aren't they.....


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Went to Enmore theater to see Katy Perry. I always make sure I am reasonably up to date with what's in at the moment. Now Katy Perry is in among all teens.

So middle age woman like me can sing and dance like her too. See how we sacrifice for business. Anyway concert was awesome. She didn't sing well live though. Any of my students really could sing better than her.

But she is one talented girl. An awesome night.

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I took the kids for exams. This time the ANZCA modern piano/singing exam takes place in a teacher's studio. Her house is rather small but obviously she has small children so she builds a paradise for the kids in her little backyard. Look, a tree house! The OZ kids are so lucky. Normal asian family probably won't do anything with those trees apart from cutting them off....

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My friend Austin got pissed off seeing the massive Chinese festival happening in Sydney. So he decided to do a Taiwanese one. Showing them that we are different from them. Taiwan is not recognised here so i guess no official group will sponsor it....(not as easy as the chinese ones anyway). Therefore he gathered 15 friends and did it themselves. The only one to advertise is via facebook. Nevertheless it was a great success. Much more than he expected. There are 300 people turning up that day (90 percent is second generation taiwanese). It was a wonderful event. The movie was by Jay Chow. Really good. I never watched asian movie but this one, I enjoyed it very much. You should check it out!

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This is the first day of our home cooking at the hotel.

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So lucky that I do have the chance to wear bikini nearly everyday. After gym the muscle is totally stuff so just in need of dip into the hot spa. In Australia no one wears one piece swimwear. Oh yes only for woman above age 60. You can't really wear bikini to swim cause it's gonna come up. Not a good sight for anyone. However In the spa its considering normal. I normally have no eye contact with people when I get into the spa (normally only 2 -3 there in the morning anyway). No need to talk or have eye contact with anyone when you are in the spa I believe. But I also believe that it's compulsory to look hot in that hot tub. So this is my new addiction to wardrobe of bikinis. Hot ba.

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Jessica dlivered the cupcakes and chocolates to me for easter and birthday. Some kids are really sweet, they don't even have lessons this week but they travel to deliver it. I think it's so sweet of them. This cupcake is so yummy....you want to have one after another but the voice in the head kept saying stop stop stop....

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 The brand "Seduce" in Sydney is normally quite expensive. Not much materials but quite expensive. On the weekend a friend of mine took me for afternoon tea and we just saw the sales in the stall. All clothes were put there randomly for people to select. 5 dollars each dress. Can you believe it? This is the Seduce brand and every dress is 5 bucks. I don't think I have ever got such good bargains in my life. These two dresses were $205 on the price tag before. Gee don't we love a bargain.


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They have lots of size 6 dresses but I can no longer fit in it. Size 8 and 10 are rare. Then from size 14 and 16 you could see more there as well.


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Have you ever seen this movie "Thorn Birds"? This was shot in 1983. I never watched old movies and never into the good old classics. But this one is probably the best movie I have ever seen in my life. Such incredible powerful story. In 1990 when we were moving to Australia, I got lots of cards from my classmates in Wesley Girls high school. I remembered at the time a few of my friends wrote "you are so lucky to go to the country of that Thorn birds movie!" I didnt' know what they were talking about. 19 years later! I finanlly understand!!

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I just happened to go to the libruary to get a Warren Buffet biogaphy to have a read. Then I saw this DVD. The background of this movie is in outback Australia. At first I have no idea what's about. I thought "Forbidden love between a priest and a young girl. Gee that's very erotic. I like that. Priests and monks are the two kinds of men that you can never get. I found that idea very exciting. I love what i can't get big time. So i just borrowed it. The story is way beyond that!! The whole movie lasts for 7 hours (so there goes my sunday afternoon). The story also covers three generations. On top of that the scenery and acting are  extraordinary. Love story is intense but the power of the movie is beyondhuman desire, religion and choices. It's incredible. A movie that lasts in your mind for a long time. You have to see this one.

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There is this special feature of interview for actors to come back after 26 years. Gee they were so hot in the movie when they were young. So interesting to see what they are like now.

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  • Feb 12 Thu 2009 07:44
  • Life

Now mum and dad are back to Taiwan, life is really back to normal. How come I just feel like there are endless things that needed to be done. Firstly we need get the roof person to do the repair. We replaced the whole lot last year with a 7 years warrenty. This year was only the first year and the small top of it was already blown off by the wind. We rang thousand times and even wrote to them (under the law they have to response to writing). Yesterday they finally said that they can come and we were waiting for the whole day. No one turned up and no one picked up the phone in their office. I left two very firm messages and yet no one responded to it. What a crap company! Remember when we first asked them for the job (before we paid of course) their service was so quick!

 Anyway apart from that life is pretty much the same. Wake up early at 6, starting at 7 am. Finish around 9 am Then do some preparations, banking work or go to the gym/dance classes. Have a long lunch and a 20 mins nap. Then start from 3 pm again till late. A few nights a week I go ice skating or flamenco very late if I happen to finish teaching earlier. Then Saturday and Sunday I will teach the classes for singing and dancing plus some piano kids from 8:00 till later. Whenever I have time I go do something active..... Since joining the health club I tried to cut lesson expenses to be less this year. So this year I just learn piano with Briedie King, lyrical Jazz dance at Sydney dance company, flamenco with Marina and maybe back to Ice skating in the group (private lesson is just too expensive).

This is my life. All the same old same old.



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Can't get over with this spectacular view. Apparently there are 564 apartments here and there is only one penhouse!!! Can you imagine how expensive that will be!! Even each 2 bedroom apartments is around million. Ah...the view from the top is beyong words.

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All OZ love summer. In summer my students come to lessons either before or after beach. Always wear very little, either a sun dress or bikini with some shirts or skirts on. Boys will be in their surfing shorts. They love the sun. I love the sun too even though most of the asian girls in Asia will cover head to toe, I always walk under strong sunlight (with sunscreen of course). Look at the gold coast surfers paradise beach. Isn't it just glorious?

I took this on my 6 am walk at the beach....

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Monica is very good at picking accomadations. She always picks the high class one and then we all pay for it. But its ok la. Mum and dad are here ma.....okok la. This is Q 1. Its the tallest residential building in the world. So pretty. Poor Andy didn't come. We spent 4 days there.....eat, sleep, swim, shop, to the beach. I got up early every morning around 6, took a walk at the gold coast beach, jumped into the pool then back to breakfast and read a book before everyone gets back. Very typical Australian holiday. No rush, no plan. Just relax in the sun.

This is the top looking out place from our apartment in Gold coast. Isn't the ocean view breath taking?

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I have never cleaned my curtain. Not for a long time anyway. Such a massive job I just couldn't be bother. But!!! This year I decide to make my living environment a lot cleaner. As I was cleaning, I saw this dog visiting me. We have a big gate down the hill, its quite unusual for a random dog to come up. People said that during new year, its really good for a dog to come ( Dog brings wealth!!). WA WA WA. I am very happy. Going rich soon Susie.


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