Now mum and dad are back to Taiwan, life is really back to normal. How come I just feel like there are endless things that needed to be done. Firstly we need get the roof person to do the repair. We replaced the whole lot last year with a 7 years warrenty. This year was only the first year and the small top of it was already blown off by the wind. We rang thousand times and even wrote to them (under the law they have to response to writing). Yesterday they finally said that they can come and we were waiting for the whole day. No one turned up and no one picked up the phone in their office. I left two very firm messages and yet no one responded to it. What a crap company! Remember when we first asked them for the job (before we paid of course) their service was so quick!

 Anyway apart from that life is pretty much the same. Wake up early at 6, starting at 7 am. Finish around 9 am Then do some preparations, banking work or go to the gym/dance classes. Have a long lunch and a 20 mins nap. Then start from 3 pm again till late. A few nights a week I go ice skating or flamenco very late if I happen to finish teaching earlier. Then Saturday and Sunday I will teach the classes for singing and dancing plus some piano kids from 8:00 till later. Whenever I have time I go do something active..... Since joining the health club I tried to cut lesson expenses to be less this year. So this year I just learn piano with Briedie King, lyrical Jazz dance at Sydney dance company, flamenco with Marina and maybe back to Ice skating in the group (private lesson is just too expensive).

This is my life. All the same old same old.



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