目前分類:Restaurant (21)

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Mum loves this place. Very typical japanese noodle shop in Crows nest. the soup is indeed very good. But everytime we have to remind them that the soup can't be too salty. We went there for lunch today again.

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susiew 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

This blue eye dragon restaurant is awarded the best restaurant of the year. And it's a Taiwanese fusion restaurant in Prymont!! Can't believe its Taiwanese. Everynight the restaurant is booked out and it's actually quite expensive. The whole restaurant is full of Australian. The chef is a 60 or 70 year old Taiwanese A-MA. But they successfully made this restaurant becoming a trendy high class oriental experience. Very cool. They even publish their cookbook. Expensive though. It's about 60-70 each person for typical Taiwanese food.

Please check out the link that my friend wrote about this place.....she wrote so much better than the way i wrote!



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This chilli crab place is in paramatta....thats about one hour drive from us. I haven't had them for a long time. This time we booked about a week earlu and travel all the way for it. Worth the trip indeed.

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I feel very lucky to have a lifetime dentist for free (monica), eye specialist for free (dad), nurse for free (mum) and andy (i can't spell the anathesthe.....what the...Anyway those doctors that get paid with big money for pushing some mahcine and adding some drugs and putting patients to sleep. That kind. Also you really don't need his service unless you are dying with major trauma or surgery)....Anyway after my dental work today I am taking her for lunch (cheap ba...thats all i need to do for the rest of my life dental work payment yeah). So this is the organic cafe we went. Yum.

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I took Katy for her birthday at Alhambra tapas bar in Manly. This restaurant used to be fully packed all the time. This was Friday night and you could see how quiet it was (bad economic time....)!!! Even the flamenco girls came out to dance for the show couldn't warm up the place. I knew all those girls (been in flamenco theme for too long). So the girls dragged me on stage to dance with them. Really fun indeed!

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Rose and I went to our sunday lunch at tea2 in macquarie center. Tea2 is quite expensive for its herbal tea but we were surprised to know that their high tea was quite cheap. $30 for two people with so many things. If you go high tea at any major hotel it will cost us at least $80-100. We had such an awesome time following by ice skating session and big W shopping for coffee machine!

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This one is now the most popular food in Chatswood area. People are willing to wait for a long time for it. I tried twice and never got to eat it. This time we did finally. Very juicy. Cheap too. Only 8 dollars. No wonder it's so popular.

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Sharlene told me about this one....so hard to find. Apparently they have the best coffee in Melbourne. It's indeed very good.

www.brotherbababudan.com.au 359 Little Bourke Street melbourne

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This school holiday I have been doing some hard core eating. In order to do so my routine is basically every morning at the gym by 9. After Spa, shower i drive straight to have lunch with whoever we schedualed to. Then bit of shopping in the afternoon plus coffee time with whoever. Went home and had a little nap before going to dinner with another whoever. In the evening I then will do some work preparation for next term. Yesterday we went to this very spicy chinese restaurant in Chinatown. I don't think I have had such spicy food before. So good but such a torture afterwards.

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What a lovely birthday lunch Jenny took me at Moore park. Beautiful sun, lunch and company. I am really happy. She pays too. That really makes me soooo happy.

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We have been exploring the afternoon tea spots around sydney. This one is in Birkenhead. Pretty nice....you overlook the water after shopping spree (though lots of shops are still in renovation). then had a good old fattening tea and cake before going for a walk around the bay. Not a bad sunday afternoon at all...

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Sunday afternoon is always the most relaxing time for OZs. Lots of people hang around doing nothing. Claudia and i went and checked out the new yumcha in city first. Still full, we continue enjoyed the chocolate at the rocks. Gorgeous sun, people and chocolate. This is Claudia and our dessert.....

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6 of us drove all the way to enfield for this Peking duck place that you have to order a week before. Gee this duck is juicy. Such good price too....i think i ate 8 pieces of them with the pancake. Worth the one hour drive.

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Rosie and I went for our once every month musical and dessert gathering. We always scheduled in the middle of the week so that we have something to look forward to. This time we saw the musical at Capital theater. Then had dessert at passion flower after. Love the taro ice cream...

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This is the new restaurant in Artarmon. It tastes mamahuhu. Cheap though. We ordered quite a lot for lunch and shared between 8 of us. Each of us only paid $16. Very unusual in Sydney. But we overheard that the meat delivery guy came and asked the owner for money (fair enough, he delivers the meat of course he should get paid once the work was done). The owner was shouting from kitchen in Taiwanese "CAN"T YOU SEE WE ARE BUSY? GO AWAY AND WAIT THERE!!!) the poor meat man was then sitting there waiting and waiting like an idiot. The restaurant wasn't even busy. The owner came out and chatted to us in a really fake sweet friendly tone. I didn't like that......

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We went to this fancy popular Japanese eatery place in Chinatown on the weekend. Quite a nice setting...reasonable price too. The most fancy thing is that they don't need to send waiters to take orders. You just order from the computer screen. You do everything from the computer screen. order, pay, complain...etc. The waiters just come and send you the food. Smart idea. I like that.

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Western food is fine but after a while I really need asian food. Western food only does for me to certain extend. After few days in Gold coast we could no longer eat OZ food. But the only Chinese one near Marina is closed. We end up to this typical OZ club food. This is fantastic !! Not too expensive (about $20 for each plate...which is quite reasonable for food in Australia) and taste really good and can really make you feel happy.Check it out!

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This hotel is full of Versace things. I have stayed there twice...you really feel like a rich woman (but then once you leave you work hard like a dog). Anyway this time we just went and had afternoon tea. Isn't this a beautiful hotel? it's about $400 a night for twin share. It's older now comparing to other hotels but its still pure classic.

this is the front entry

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susiew 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

4 "S" team (Sharlene Selina Sophie and Susie ) went to "afternoon tea" cafe at Sogo department store. Yum yum. especially the dessert. We had such a fabulous time.

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