目前分類:Taiwan Friends (8)

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I remembered for my 30th big birthday my gorgeous friends Selina and Lu-dan (egg) flied to Sydney to celebrate with me! Now both of them got married and had kids!Mine is still the same which is rather depressing isn't it. Anyway I haven't heard much from Ludan after and at one stage Selina and I want to contact her but feel a little weird because we just never hear from her after she told us she is pregnant. We were a little worried if anything wrong with the kids? So we just leave it like that. However this morning at 7:30 am my door bell rings and the postman delivers the surprised birthday present from Lu-dan!! I am soo happy! My student was so excited opening the present with me too. Looks like everything is fine with her and that's absolutely fabulous! Thank you darling!

March 2009 048.jpg March 2009 047.jpg

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Today was such a full day. Morning Karaoke, met up with Julie and Angela, hard core shopping plus eating. By the time I met up with Michael it was 9 pm!!! So many things to eat, do and friends to see, but....so short the holiday is!!

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So wonderful to see old friends!! I love this restaurant we went tonight!!! Happy birthday Steven!

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The OZ girls gang ate at Toro's steak house today. Nice atmosphere. You picked the type and size of the steak. I do think its quite pricy for its quality. Probably won't go again. However its lovely to catch up with lovely anita and Evelyn. Happy birthday dear    Anita!!

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Little Claire has massive eyes just like her mother. Cute cute!DSC08509.JPG

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Monica always met up with her lovely high school friends. I went and joined them this time. Eileen's little nephew Josh is so super cute!!DSC08651.JPG

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  • Jan 16 Fri 2009 00:12
  • popo

Popo is such an easy going cat. Anyone can turn her upside down inside out and she won't miao a word. Luke 's pregnant tummy with popo in it!! Ormake popo sushi. Cute popo.playing popo

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2we went kiki lao ma for dinner. then off to JDSC08807.JPG ennifer's place to see popo. small black cat...can you see her in the photo among us? She is so black you can only see her eyes!!

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