Phoebe is one of the girl that does weekend talent class (singing and dancing) with me as well as doing private piano lesson. This is the core of my business that girls do it as a package. Anyway this Saturday the class was not on. so for the first time she didn't have to turn up with dance costume and hair in a bun (she normally has a piano lesson on the same day after the class) Before this I have never seen her with normal clothes and hair down. But she turned up with hairs like that....She looks like she just rolls out of bed. "My bad hair day"She said. Oh yes we can see that baby....

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Last thursday was a freezing weekday. But as soon as all of us finished working, we drove to city to celebrate Claudia's birthday together with outstanding peking duck. It was such a wonderful dinner. Thank you Andy, Claudia's generaous husband to shout us all. Claudia was a very happy birthday girl!

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This new one is trying to imitate Ding Tai fong. They are a lot cheaper and because it's in Chatswood which has huge asian population. Their business is amazingly good. Cheap too. Worth going.In case you forgot about my family sticky love bird, I will pose their photos here again. They never eat by themselves with their own hands. Even after nearly 2 years living together they continue to feed each other when eating. Now that's amazing. yes everyone....hold your vomit please....hahahahaha



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Out of the blue I had this idea that we could use the song Sway by Michael Buble for my dancing  girls to do the finale number for the show. I have four girls under 7 , all i need is to match them with the boys I got. They will do this in latin style. I have drawn the design for the latino dress and the parents will discuss with the girls what colour to make. Very exciting indeed. I haven't thought about the choreography yet. But I had spent some time trying to think about who should dance with whom. I showed the girl what the guy like look first. Then if the girl agrees I will show them the boy's photo. Here is Leonardo and Madeleine. Boys will be in suits and girls in costume. Gonna be so much fun.... More to come....

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We had a house party last Saturday to welcome Maria's family and Michael back to Sydney on holidays after so many years. We used to have parties like this all the time. This time after so many years we had the next generation coming too! Quite a different party compare to before. Nevertheless it was wonderful to see everyone.

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  • Apr 29 Wed 2009 21:09
  • tom

Tom asked today "do you want to hear a joke thats very gross?' "No i don't" I said. "Ok I will tell you"(gee whats the point of asking me then). "What's the scary thing to see if you throw my underwear to the wall?" " I won't touch your underwear. Won't throw it" "Well The answer is...IT STICK ON THE WALL!!!hahahahaha" "Yuck Tom". "Ok what's the even yuckier thing after 5 mins?" "dunno. don't care darling can we get the book out and concentrate?" "IT WENT AN INCH HIGHER ON THE WALL!!!HAHAHAH Funny hey Susie!!



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This was a 600 km drive in one day. We started at 7 am and back to Hotel at 9 pm. The young tour guide/driver Luke was just full of energy. Such a hard job but he did very well. We had people around the world in that small bus. for a 95 dollars tour i think its really worth the money. The view is stunning. the bus is leaving.....

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This is the first day of our home cooking at the hotel.

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Our Builder finished the jpb in 4 days with the replacement of rails, fix the door and pressure clean. We paitned it white too for the modern feel of it. Great work.

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I am a huge fan of Medina apartments. Its always new and resonable for prices.

This is our one bed room apartment while in Melbounre

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Sharlene told me about this hard to find. Apparently they have the best coffee in Melbourne. It's indeed very good. 359 Little Bourke Street melbourne

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So lucky that I do have the chance to wear bikini nearly everyday. After gym the muscle is totally stuff so just in need of dip into the hot spa. In Australia no one wears one piece swimwear. Oh yes only for woman above age 60. You can't really wear bikini to swim cause it's gonna come up. Not a good sight for anyone. However In the spa its considering normal. I normally have no eye contact with people when I get into the spa (normally only 2 -3 there in the morning anyway). No need to talk or have eye contact with anyone when you are in the spa I believe. But I also believe that it's compulsory to look hot in that hot tub. So this is my new addiction to wardrobe of bikinis. Hot ba.

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There are lots of night markets in Taiwan. We love it. None of those in city. Oh yes except every November we have night market on those 4 Saturday nights at the Rocks. Then we have this night market in Chinatown every friday night. Nothing exciting that they sell but gee so many people. Just like in Asia.

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This school holiday I have been doing some hard core eating. In order to do so my routine is basically every morning at the gym by 9. After Spa, shower i drive straight to have lunch with whoever we schedualed to. Then bit of shopping in the afternoon plus coffee time with whoever. Went home and had a little nap before going to dinner with another whoever. In the evening I then will do some work preparation for next term. Yesterday we went to this very spicy chinese restaurant in Chinatown. I don't think I have had such spicy food before. So good but such a torture afterwards.

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Haven't seen Anita for a long time. Maria's family came back from Taiwan so we all went to Anita's house. Jonas and Angelica's rooms are absolutely gorgeous. They are so lucky aren't they?

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I didn't feel very well  these days. I think both physically and mentally I am exhausted. Went to bed pretty early for the past few days but still felt something is not quite right. Today is the first day of school holiday for the first time this year I slept past 7 am. 12:30 pm I woke up. Couldn't believe I am capable of sleeping that long. Thank God it's holiday....these few days I am going to learn how to do nothing. No gym, no work, no going out. Just take it easy.

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Jessica dlivered the cupcakes and chocolates to me for easter and birthday. Some kids are really sweet, they don't even have lessons this week but they travel to deliver it. I think it's so sweet of them. This cupcake is so want to have one after another but the voice in the head kept saying stop stop stop....

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I finally decided which builder to come to fix the rails of the house. After comparing 4 quotes i could tell you all the dramas I have been through. One of them even got angry when I confronted how expensive he was. The one I am going to ask is the builder/handyman from a friend. A middle age australian who really looks honest. I checked his work at my Italian friend's house and it was indeed very good. I have no idea how one person can do such a big job but he did. At the end it's $3000 cash price for doing the rails, fix the front door and pressure clean. To be able to get 3000 only we are going to pay in cash. So each of us will pay him 1000 in cash and he will start on the 20th April. profession in trade is not that bad isn't it. These days the economic is so bad that all professional guys are losing jobs and the umemployment rate reaches the top 5.7% in Australia according to the news last night. But the trademan's business goes on and on....

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I used my I phone in class very often. Lots of time I download pop songs so we can pick which one to play. Sometimes I put on youtube for them to see the video clip. Sometimes I record their voice and lots of times i take photos of them. These two girls one day looked at me very seriously. "How come my photo is not in your I phone?" Oh dear. I am so sorry. Now they are in. Everyone is happy.

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Haven't updated about neko for a while. Nothing changes much. Just the same old lazy self. This is the regular massage I gave her. Sometimes I am not sure who is the boss and who is the pet.

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