Andy's wedding is going to be the last week of july in Taiwan. Just happened to be the first week of school term 3. Since the school holidays is not far from it I think I will just take the whole 6 weeks off this time. That's one good thing about being your own boss. All I need to do is to tell everyone that I am off to Europe for  6 weeks. TA-DA-SAYONARA. Then off I go. 

I want to go to Barcelona.....heard its so beautiful there. Maybe back to do some spanish classes again and learn flamenco too. Maybe off to New york to see Ivy and grab her to Spain with me? Or Greece is a good option too. Rosemary said Greek Island and Sussana said how about Hungary? Wherever. I will go wherever. Lets pack up the bags and go! Come with me!

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  • Mar 18 Wed 2009 19:32
  • social

Do you have this weird feeling? Sometimes you feel you are very social and there are times you have no idea what to say in a social setting. I normally am very social. Even if I go to places by myself I will talk to whoever and chat about whatever. I don't think I have ever gone to supermarket without talking to strangers. I go to ice rink a few times a week everyweek and yesterday the girls there said that they have never seen someone who is  so good at putting people together and introduce each other as friends. I was very happy to hear that.

But you know what?  there are times I totally have no idea what to say. That is in the pub or bar. Or anywhere when lots of random guys are around. I have no idea what to chat to guys. Not good with a group and not even good with just one. Not because of shy or anything its just that I have no idea what to talk about. computer? cars? sports? politics? none of them i have any ideas. It's almost boring sometimes. That's when I feel really empty social. Totally out of my power. HAHA

March 2009.jpg

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I can't tolerate boring looking homework book from the kids. Also I like everything big. So the homework book i get student to buy is always the size of big scrap book that people use for drawing and painting. Then they have to decorate it. I like this one. She couldn't pick a even bighter cover. I am satisfied in deed.

March 2009 022.jpg 

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6 of us drove all the way to enfield for this Peking duck place that you have to order a week before. Gee this duck is juicy. Such good price too....i think i ate 8 pieces of them with the pancake. Worth the one hour drive.

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March 2009 025.jpg 

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I am really not a motherly kind of person but when you see Diandra you will think if i have a little daughter i will love to have one like her. She does whatever you ask her to sing play and dance. She is only 5 and really is cute. You see i have been talking about her and her wolley friend not long ago. She turns up everyweek in super cute outfit. This is our ballerina week....

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This is the most common summer birthday party. Today my neighbors have one. The OZ kids sometimes will get fairy comes in, jumping castle or some sort of science club people to come in making rocket...harry potter club....whatever you can think of. My neighbor just has the ordinary pool party with food cake and friends. For a 5 or 6 year old. Aren't they lucky? this happens everyweek in between my students. always different..fancy fancy and more fancy!!

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The 3 Day Diet Meal Plan

This diet is also known as the British Heart Foundation Diet and the Greenland Diet and has been circulating for many years.

The diet has circulated in the form of a one page sheet that claims you can lose 10 pounds in 3 days. The diet has been popular in the UK - but its exact origins are unknown.

Long term weight loss can only ever be achieved through sensible changes to diet and the introduction of regular exercise.

But…..there is that party/wedding/christening/holiday coming up and the long term diet plan hasn’t quite got you where you want to be yet! And you don’t want to be captured on those photographs when you are not feeling that you look your best.

Every now and then we all feel the need to resort to a strict, short term weight loss eating plan to see immediate results. While a very strict diet meal plan is never something that is advisable to do regularly or for long periods of time, kick start style diet plans can give you the confidence boost and the motivation that you need to continue to maintain a healthy weight loss plan.

So with this in mind, below we have the details of a free diet plan, to be followed for 3 days. For obvious reasons it is commonly known as The 3 Day Diet! And as the name suggests the diet plan should not be followed for any longer than that.

This weight loss plan works because calorie intake is lowered but the diet meal plan still gives some nutritional balance. One of the things that makes this plan popular and relatively easy to follow, is that ‘normal’ foods such as ice cream and hot dogs are incorporated and there is some variety.



Black Coffee or tea
With low fat sweetener beans
½ grapefruit
1 slice of toast with 1tbsp peanut butter

½ a cup of tuna
1 slice of toast
Black coffe/tea/water*
3 oz any lean meat
1 cup of green
1 cup of carrots
1 cup of vanilla ice cream
1 medium apple
Black coffe/tea/water*


Black coffee/tea/water*
1 egg(served any style)
1 slice of toast
1 banana
1 cup of tuna or cottage cheese
5 plain crackers
Black coffee/tea/water*
2 hotdogs
½ cup of carrots
1 cup of broccoli or cabbage
1 banana
½ cup of vanilla ice cream


Black coffee/tea/water*
5 plain crackers 1 oz of cheddar cheese
1 apple
1 hard boiled egg
1 slice of toast
black coffee/tea/water*
1 cup of tuna
1 cup of carrots
1 cup of cauliflower
1 cup of melon
½ cup of vanilla ice cream
black coffee/tea/water*

*Low calorie sweetener should always be used instead of sugar


Lemon juice
salt and pepper
cooking oil spray


If you really don’t like any of the foods included you can make some changes;

Orange instead of grapefruit
Tuna instead of cottage cheese or vice versa
Frozen yoghurt instead of ice cream
Cauliflower instead of broccoli and vice versa
Green beans instead of broccoli or cauliflower
Beetroot instead of carrots
Toast instead of 5 plain crackers

Follow the plan for 3 days with strictly no cheating and you should get the immediate results you want. When you see the differences to the new slimmer you, you should feel encouraged to continue with a healthy lifestyle!

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I am quite frustrated with the house. A family house that needs huge amount of work. Even the handyman who came and did the quote told me if he has the house he will knock it all down because there are just too many things needed to be done. He quoted just the front balcony door reshapeing plus the 4 rails at the front will cost $ 920. He is a honest man and he is normally half price as other handyman according to my friends. but that $920 is not even 0.1 % of what is needed to be fixed around the house. If we knock it down where am I going to live and work. I can buy an apartment cause I am looking for one now anyway. However the 60 plus families in my studio within walking distance to me will be very hard to maintain and I need to keep the income too. To pay for handyman for instance. Gee life is stressful.

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This is the health club I go everyday. very red and very new. I never ate in their cafe until yesterday. Gee even the cafe there has the healthiest food I have ever seen. Honestly. I can't eat organic super healthy food like that. Too healthy. too boring....

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Rosie and I went for our once every month musical and dessert gathering. We always scheduled in the middle of the week so that we have something to look forward to. This time we saw the musical at Capital theater. Then had dessert at passion flower after. Love the taro ice cream...

March 2009 002.jpg

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This is the new restaurant in Artarmon. It tastes mamahuhu. Cheap though. We ordered quite a lot for lunch and shared between 8 of us. Each of us only paid $16. Very unusual in Sydney. But we overheard that the meat delivery guy came and asked the owner for money (fair enough, he delivers the meat of course he should get paid once the work was done). The owner was shouting from kitchen in Taiwanese "CAN"T YOU SEE WE ARE BUSY? GO AWAY AND WAIT THERE!!!) the poor meat man was then sitting there waiting and waiting like an idiot. The restaurant wasn't even busy. The owner came out and chatted to us in a really fake sweet friendly tone. I didn't like that......

March 2009 003.jpg



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i really can't think about anything that can be added to the blog. You see, i even start writing out 7 days of the week schedual. Oh God. running out of interesting materials.....what else can we talk about ah....

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My parents always wonder what I have been up to when they talked to me on the phone. I can never think of it when they asked.  So i decide to type it out for my week of 2/3-8/3....

Monday: teach from early morning again. by 9:30 to the health club. Had small group session called Power plate for beginner and power plate for strength. This machine just shook like crazy when standing on it. The instructor Matt was cute. I got on it for one hour and can no longer thinking straight. Drove straight to see my own piano teacher Briedie in Glebe to learn something new to teach. Had lunch, back for a nap. Start teaching again. by 9 pm at Ice skating rink joining the first class of the term. met a few new classmates plus gliding with my old skating mates. skate till 10 pm. I love it. in bed at 11 pm.

Tuesday: teach from 7am. the earliest of the week. Then I took the girls to school as well before coming back to teach more. this week I tried the new V core class at health club at 10 am. hopefully my ab can look really sexy soon. then join the aqua class before going to spa. Back home for lunch and 20 mins nap. Start teaching again till late. Quiet tuesday night to read a book and get on with some teaching work. in bed at 10:00 pm

Wednesday: teach from 7:30 again. I got quite a few adults today too so didn't go to the health club till noon, just in time for belly dancing class. The teacher is quite big but she is sensational. No time for spa today. Back to work. moved the students for tonight because we were off to see the musical Guys and Dolls for evening show with a friend. Had dinner in city. (normally i have flamenco class but missed it this week-will arrange private lesson with the teacher next Thursday) in bed at 12 am.

Thursday: morning still teach from 7 am. to health club for today's Hatha yoga class before Spa with my gym buddie. To chatswood today to enjoy the Taiwanese lunch box that only comes on thursday. Do some banking and my back was really sore. So I got a massage this week from my wonderful massage therapist Eri. Back to teach. Met up with another friend for late 9:15 pm movie "He is not that into you". Have you seen it? Such an awesome realistic movie. Very inspiring indeed!!! in bed at 1 am.

Friday: morning I teach from 7:30 am. After that I went and had lunch with a friend. bought some grocery. Afternoon I came back to teach more. Then evening two friends and I went to another pianist friend's music for meditation recital. That was great. we all went flat on the floor listening to the whole concert. At 10 pm three of us off to have Japanese noodles. to bed at 12:30 am.

Saturday: I teach the classes from 8 am and interview another new kid who wants to join the dance class. Lunch I went and met up with friends from Taiwanese church and had Taiwanese food in Artarmon. The new one there wasn't really good....not very Taiwanese at all....We went to Harbour bridge walk from North sydney to The rocks in the afternoon. It must be a one hour walk but such a sunny bright day for nice walk. We stopped over for coffee and dessert at the Rocks. Walked back and went to a friend's place. I took a shower and got all dress up at her place off we went to a birthday party in Bondi. We had famous pizza and gelato in Pompei that at 10:30 pm we still meed to wait! in bed at 1 am.

Sunday: I teach from 8 am again. Lunch ate at home. I visited my beautician once a month for facial. So I saw her this week for 1.5 hour session. Then to library return books. Met up another friend and we went grocery shopping. Off to see the movie "Slumdog millionare" then we had dinner at her place and enjoyed the chat and drink. bed by 12 am.



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I actually have quite a lot of teenagers but they would rather die than let me taking photos. Only young ones love to take photos. Diandra came with this random dog called Wolley. Apparently its a class toy for kindergarten. And they said all kindergarden class has a class toy that passes around each student (a week in each family). What they parents and the kid have to do is to take Wolley everywhere and take photos with Wolley so everyone can see what Wolley has been up to. At the end they do this "Wolley's life" album. AH....god. So Diandra came for interview with me on the weekend. The dad was taking photos all over the place. OH GOD......cute cute cute. Looks like Wolley has a much more interesting life than you and me.


February 2009 108.jpg

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I don't know if you ever feel like this. After you stay in Taiwan for a long time and the first day you arrive sydney, the people and life here in Sydney feels so far away. Speaking English feels funny and most funny thing of all is that you feel like you are not belonging to Australia. How did I work come they look so OZ and so blonde..?Do I eat that healthy crap for lunch all these years? The food in Taiwan is so much nicer....

I always have that kind of feeling for at least 2 full days. The same thing applies to Taiwan too. You are in Australia all this time, seeing Australian talking in English without thinking. Then you arrive Taiwan. You feel like a tourist for a little while. The people in metro look so different from you (i think they look different, of course they are not). Even though your language is very good you still feel like an outsider. That will then go away after 1 or 2 days. Is it just me or do you feel like that too? Taiwan and Australia are both homes. They are also both not my homes. I want to live in Argentina. Maybe that will be better.

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Not long ago one of my friend got dumped. She was upset and I was upset for her. It took a long time to get her out of it. To have the guy out of her life too.  A few days ago she mentioned that guy's name again. I asked, so what is it now? What kind of relationship is it after he said it's not going to work out? She told me in a very strange voice "we are just f***ing friends now HAHAHA". To be honest I really don't think there is anything funny about it. Obviously thats not what she wants only and that guy really is a bastard to take advantage of her. Sometimes its sad to see your friend is like that because you know it does nothing to her self esteem. She was just totally being controlled by the guy. Or by the lust I should say. I am staying out of it this time. If she gets dumped again (which she will), I will no longer be there for her. This is totally stupid. I can't cope with double stupidity.

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The economic in Australia doesn't look too good. Yesterday the big brand of Bonds got rid of their 1850 jobs. You can imagine how many people got the shock suddently. It's funny though. I am not sure if the economic is really bad because yesterday i went to see an open house for an apartment. It was sold before it was on the market. Last week I saw another apartment you should see the people outside waiting to go in and check it out. There must be more than 30 people waiting outside just wanted to go in!!! Everyone wants to buy it and the apartment was sold on the spot too. People seem to go to restaurant less now because the economic is not good. But then my business has never been so busy ever. This is the first time I start having a long waiting list for students. However at the same time my whole share profolio dropped to nearly nothing. The weather is going mad too. One minte is boiling and the next hour we will be freezing. This world is going mad...

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I have been telling monica about all the funny tooth fairy business that the kids told me. In Australia tooth fairy is the only resource of income for a 6 year old. Yes, when you pull out your wobbly teeth, you put them next to your bed that night because tooth fairy will come and take them. They will also leave money to you to buy your tooth, exactly like Santa. The only thing is that Santa doesn't get goodie from you in return, tooth fairy wants your tooth.

Of course the tooth fairy will be the poor old mum and dad la. The kids have been comparing how much they got. I heard one complained about it because it seems that his tooth fairy is quite poor. he only got 2 dollars. Other kids get 5 or 10!! Then another kid told me that if you want to keep your tooth and you still want the money. There is a way. You just write tooth fairy a note. And he did. Yes he got both. What a smart kid.

Also the kids have been saying that if tooth fairy forgot to collect it on that night, the kid can get more money depends on how many days the fairy has been delaying the work. GEES.....isn't that hilarious.

How come we don't have tooth fairy in Taiwan. In the old days we just bloody throw away the thing. AIYA>>>>



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This is the awesome theme music from "The Thorn Birds". All the hot themes are in this clip, most important of all the music makes the whole thing even stronger. I love this theme music.

If you can sight read on the piano easily (this is easy to play anyway) go to and search "Anywhere the heart goes" (by Henry Mancini) You will be able to download and print it for free. Such a brilliant one to play for leisure.

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